Old  Fishing Lure, the Heddon Dowagiac Underwater Minnow Series 150

Ex. the above Heddon Dowagiac 5 Hook Underwater Minnow series number #150 Shown above, would come in a Heddon Box with the end labeled 150. Crackle Back is represented by a number 0.


Old  Fishing Lure, the Heddon Dowagiac Underwater Minnow Series 150

Ex. the above Heddon Dowagiac 5 Hook Underwater Minnow series number #150 Shown above, would come in a Heddon Box with the end labeled 159 B


Old  Fishing Lure, the Heddon Dowagiac Underwater Minnow Series 150

Ex. the above Heddon Dowagiac 5 Hook Underwater Minnow series number #150 Shown above, would come in a Heddon Box with the end labeled 159 V


Old  Fishing Lure, the Heddon Dowagiac Underwater Minnow Series 150

Ex. the above Heddon Dowagiac 5 Hook Underwater Minnow series number #150 Shown above, would come in a Heddon Box with the end labeled 159 S

Heddon Dowagiac Antique Fishing Lure Model Numbers

Heddon Lure series numbers can be challenging to say the least. When your first start collecting sometimes the hard fast rule is some things just don't make sense. When fitting the pieces of the puzzle together; eg. what box goes with what antique Heddon fishing lure using a book or a chart with model numbers can be extremely helpful. I cant stress enough the power of reading and or owning books on your collecting interests. Something you can hold in your hand or refer back to like this web page while doing research on your favorite or newly found antique fishing lure will provide a invaluable resource while collecting lures.

Heddon made a variety of fishing lures for over a century. Some that worked and some that didn't work. Remember these now antique lures to us were useful tools in one of our nations favorite pastimes, fishing. Heddon made them to sell them, not thinking we would collect them. In your path of collecting antique lures you will find boxes that don't fit the era, or find them that have labels over labels, or boxes made for one lure that now house another. They used what they had and nothing went to waste. Please feel free  to reference the chart below to help you along your way.

Heddon Dowagiac Lures Series and Model Number Codes

Series Description Series Description
0 Heddon Dowagiac Minnow (3 Hook) 1600 Heddon Deep Diving Wiggler
00 Heddon Dowagiac Minnow (5 Hook) 1700 Heddon Near Surface Wiggler
2 Slopenose 1800 Heddon Crab Wiggler
10 Light Casting Minnow (White) 1900 Heddon Baby Crab Wiggler
10B & S Florida Special D1900 Heddon Go-Deeper Crab
11 Light Casting Minnow (Yellow) 1950 Heddon Crab Wiggler Midget
20 Baby Dowagiac 2000 Heddon Wiggle King
30 Salt Water Torpedo 2100 Heddon Crazy Crawler
40 Westchester Bug 2120 Heddon Crazy Crawler
50 Artistic Minnow 2150 Heddon Musky Crazy Crawler
50 Bass Bug (7/8") 2160 Heddon Sam Spoon
B50 Bass Bug (5/8") 2400 Heddon Luck 13 Jr
70 Drewco 2500 Heddon Lucky 13
70 Stanley Weed-Less 3000 Heddon Spin Diver
74 Fuzzi Bug (5/8") 3200 Heddon Spoon-y-Frog
75 Fuzzi Bug (7/8") 3400 Heddon Little Luny Frog
80 Tiny Tease 3500 Heddon Luny Frog
85 Pop Eye Frog 4000 Heddon Meadow Mouse
90 Bubbling Bug F-4000 Heddon Meadow Mouse (Flocked)
100 Dowagiac Minnow (3 Hook) F-4200 Heddon Munk Mouse
110 River Runt 5000 Heddon Tad Polly
F-110 River Runt (Floating) 5100 Heddon Tad Polly Runtie
120 Torpedo (2 Hook) 5400 Heddon Baby Gamefisher
130 Torpedo (3 Hook) 5500 Heddon Gamefisher
140 Flipper 6000 Heddon Tad Polly
140 SOS Minnow (3") 7000 Heddon Flap-Tail
150 Dowagiac Minnow (5 Hook) 7000 Heddon Deep-O-Diver
160 SOS Minnow (3 1/2")    
170 SOS Minnow (4 3/4") 7040 Heddon Husky Flap Tail
175 Heavy Casting Minnow 7050 Heddon Musky Flap Tail
190 Stanley Ace 7050 Heddon Giant Flap Tail
195 Yowser 7110 Heddon Flap Tail Jr
200 Dowagiac Surface 7300 Heddon Jointed Vamp
210 Surface Minnow 7400 Heddon Giant Jointed Vamp
220 Weed-less Widow 7500 Heddon Baby Vamp
250 Dowagiac Minnow (3 Hook) 7510 Heddon Vamp
260 Surface Minny 7540 Heddon Giant River Runt
280 Stanley Queen 7550 Heddon Great Vamp
290 Stanley King 7600 Heddon Musky Vamp
300 Surface Minnow 7725 Heddon Cousin
300 Widget 8050 Heddon Crackle Back
310 Tiny Spook 8300 Heddon Zig Wag
320 Crawler (Tiny 1 3/4") 8340 Heddon Zig Wag Jr.
330 Stingeree (Tiny) 8350 Heddon King Zig Wag
325 Sonic Ultra 8360 Heddon King Zig Wag
335 Chugger (Tiny) 8400 Heddon Plunking Basser
340 Tiny Runt (Floating) 8500 Heddon Head-On Basser
350 Tiny Runt (Sinking) 8510 Heddon Deluxe Basser
350 Musky Surface 8520 Heddon Deluxe Basser
360 Torpedo (Tiny) 8540 Heddon King Basser
365 Zara Spook (Baby) 8550 Heddon King Basser
370 Luck 13 (Tiny) 8560 Heddon King Basser
370 SOS Minnow (4 3/4") 8850 Heddon Salmon River Runt
380 Punkinseed (Tiny 1 3/4")) 9000 Heddon Tad Polly Spook
382 Punkin Spin 9000 Heddon Shrimpy Spook
385 Sonic 9010 Heddon River Runt Midget Sinking Model
390 Tiny Tad (2 1/8") 9020 Heddon River Runt Midget Digit
395 Sonic (Fire Tail) 9100 Heddon Dowagiac Spook
400 Killer 9110 Heddon River Runt Sinking Model
400 Ice Decoy (Spook) D9010 Heddon River Runt Midget Go Deeper
400 Fidget D9110 Heddon River Runt Go Deeper
402 Buck Tail Surface Minnow N9110 Heddon No Snag River Runt
411 Spin Fin 9120 Heddon Crazy Crawler Spook
420 Whis-Purr 9130 Heddon Torpedo Spook
421 Gamby 9140 Heddon Wounded Spook
431 Sonar 9170 Heddon Musky Spook Surface
440 Saint Spinner 9200 Heddon Darting Zara Spook
450 Killer 9200 Heddon Quiver
460 Hep Spinner 9205 Heddon Dying Flutter
490 SpoonyFish  (2 5/8") 9210 Heddon Darting Zara Spook
500 Multiple Metal Minnow 9250 Heddon Zara Spook
500 Saltwater Special (2") 9260 Zara Spook
520 Shark Mouth 9330 Big Hedd
550 Float-HI 9345 River Runt Jointed Sinking Spook
580 Wee Willie 9385 Super Sonic
590 Spoony Fish (4 1/4) 9400 River Runt Spook Floating
600 Salt Water Special (2 1/2") 9430 River Runt Spook Sinking
610 Sea Runt 9500 Vamp Spook Floating
610 Coast Minnow (2 1/2") 9520 Chugger Spook Baby
620 Coast Minnow (3 1/2") 9540 Chugger Spook
630 Coast minnow (4 1/2") 9600 Salt Spook
640 Coast Minnow (5") 9630 Punkinseed Sinking Model Spook
700 Musky Minnow (3 Hook & 5 Hook) 9700 Flap Tail Spook Jr
720 Flap-Tail Bug 9730 Vamp Spook Jointed
730 Punkinseed (Sinking 2 1/4") 9750 Vamp Spook
740 Punkinseed (Floating 2 1/2") KP9750 Vamp Spook Kingfish
750 River Runtie 9800 Sea Spook
790 SpoonyFish (5") 9810 Meadow Mouse Spook
800 Saltwater Special (2 1/2") 9830 Scissortail
800 Swimming Minnow (1 treble) 9840 Basser Spook Jr.
850 Swimming Minnow (Treble and Belly Hook) 9850 Basser Spook
850 Salt Water Special (3") 9900 Crab Spook
900 Swimming Minnow (Locking Center Treble) 9930 Stingeree
910 Wilder Dilg (7/8") 9930 Cobra
920 Wilder Dilg Spook (7/8")    
930 Wilder Dilg (5/8")    
930 Wilder Dilg Spook (5/8")    
940 Popper Spook    
950 River Runtie Spook    
974 Bug-A-Bee Spook (5/8")    
975 Bug-A-Bee Spook (7/8")    
980 Punkie Spook (7/8")    
1000 Moonlight Radiant    
1000 Triple Tease    
1001 Woodpecker    
1010 Tiger    
1190 Devil Ace    
1280 Devil Queen    
1290 Devil King    
1300 Black Sucker    
1400 Dowagiac Minnow (Single Fixed Hook)    
1500 Dummy Double

Heddon Lure Resources