The Spool above, the Heddon Dowagiac Simson Line Spool was
the 2nd in the evolution of the Heddon Dowagiac Casting Line. Descended from the
Heddon Samson,
it was first introduced in the 1915 catalog Titled Jim Heddon's Genuine
Dowagiac Fishing Tackle and the Art of Bait Casting, and last showing up in the 1923
Catalog. After 1923 the line spool label got a complete make over, we see the Down
Leaping Bass added to the Label. As well as, the name changing to, Black Gold,
Hard Service and the Dandy Line.

Heddon Dowagiac Line Spool
In the
1912 Heddon lure catalog, titled Heddon's Rod's, Reels, Line and Minnows we see
the introduction of the Heddon Dowagiac co-branded line spool.
"Dowagiac" Casting Lines
We have
combined our long experience and careful experimentation on Casting lines with
the skill of the worlds best producer of these goods and are please to offer ere
with the Heddon Dowagiac Brand of "Samson" and Easy Caster Lines.
The effort
of every conscience maker of high grade casting lines is to produce an article
that affords a proper compromise between perfect casting qualities and strength,
these two elements being antagonistic. In other words, a strong line must be
necessarily be made of heavy and course, therefore being difficult to cast and
to make a perfect spool when retrieving.
In the new
Heddon's Dowagiac Lines the angler will find these qualities most happily
related and we offer the following lines as being specially adapted to casting
lures of average weight of the Heddon's Dowagiac Minnows and without question
the best quality possible to produce a casting line for this purpose.

Dowagiac "Easy Caster" Spool
Serviceable, soft braided, first quality Japan Silk Line, designed to meet the
demand of anglers desiring extreme flexibility rather than excessive
strength and wearing qualities. Color, Mottled
Black. No. A has a breaking strength of 15#s and is best adapted to casting
lures weighing from one-forth to slightly more than one-half ounce. Price per
spool of Fifty yards, 75c. No B has a breaking strength of 20lbs and is adapted
to use with our Minnows Nos.
100, and
150 Series, etc.,
for casting for large Bass, Pike, Pickerel and small Muskys. Prices, per spool
of fifty yards, 90c.

Dowagiac "Samson" Spool
Strongest heaviest casting lines made, size, and wearing qualities considered.
Made from the highest standard Japan Silk, waterproofed and will float, making
it ideal for use with Surface Bait, Color Black.
Our No. X
has a breaking strength of 20lbs. and is adapted for use with out Nos.
etc., Baits, and for casting for all sizes of bass, Pike and other game
fishes of 10lbs. and under. price per Spool of Fifty yards, $1.00
Our No. XX
has a breaking strength of 26lbs. and is adapted for use with the heaviest lures
that can be used on casting Rod and for taking the large bass of Florida, large
pickerel and Muskys and Salt Water Fishes up to 50 lbs. when used on a bait
casting rod. Price per spool of fifty yards, $1.25
Lure Resources