1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog Gallery
In this old fishing lure gallery you will see a original 1931 Creek Chub
Fishing Tackle Lure Catalog from Garrett Indiana.
In 1931 elements of this now very much successful Creek Chub
old fishing lure line up have been cast in stone. The Famous Creek Chub Pikie
minnow, now offered in 12 different colors. The Creek Chub Wiggler Series 100,
the first Creek Chub Lure offered by the company still holding true. The
Original Injured Minnow which seems to have stood the test of time for us now
antique and old fishing lure collectors.
All the time be complimented by Creek Chubs insatiable
appetite in the 1930's to evolve and expand the lure line up with such great
classic old fishing lures such as the Creek Chub Beetle, the River Rustler, the
Lucky Mouse.
In the Creek Chub Catalog, there is a special section and
notable mention of the new sport of fly fishing with small plugs and the Creek
Chub lure line up to go right along with it. They discuss the various Creek Chub
lures such as the Bug Wiggler, the Froggie, the Pop It, and the new fly rod size
Lucky Mouse.

1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Cover of the Catalog showing a great catch hanging from a Creek Chub Pikie.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Introduction Page discussing the differences between Creek Chub and other lures.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Beetle, Series 3800, & the Sinful Sail, Series S-20
lure. Stated also are the finishes available on both lures and the color codes
for each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub River Rustler, Series 3700, & the Lucky Mouse,
Series 3600 lure. Stated also are the finishes available on both lures and the
color codes for each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Pikie, Series 700, & the Snook Pikie 3400, Series
lure. Stated also are the finishes available on both lures and the color codes
for each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Original injured Minnow, Series 1500, & the Husky
Injured Minnow, Series 3500 lure. Stated also are the finishes available on both
lures and the color codes for each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Baby injured Minnow, Series 1600. Stated also are
the finishes available on the lure and the color codes for each on the
applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Jointed Pikie Minnow, Series 2600. Stated also are
the finishes available on the lure and the color codes for each on the
applicable lure. |
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Baby Jointed Pikie Minnow, Series 2700. Stated also
are the finishes available on the lure and the color codes for each on the
applicable lure. |
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page talking about which Creek Chub Lures to catch bass with.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Baby Pikie Minnow, Series 900, & the Plunker, Series
3200 lure. Stated also are the finishes available on both lures and the color
codes for each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Castrola, Series 3100, & the Pickerel Pikie Series
2600 lure. Stated also are the finishes available on both lures and the color
codes for each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Crawdad, Series 300, & the Baby Crawdad, Series 400
lure. Stated also are the finishes available on both lures and the color codes
for each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page talking about which Creek Chub Lures to catch northern Pike with.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Wigl-Y-Rind, Series S-10, & Creek Chub Pencil
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page talking about which Creek Chub Lures to catch Muskellunge with.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Weed Bug, Series 2800, & the Gar, Series 2900 lure.
Stated also are the finishes available on both lures and the color codes for
each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Wiggler, Series 100. Stated also are the finishes
available on the lure and the color codes for each on the applicable lure. |
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Husky Pikie, Series 2300, & the Jointed Husky Pikie,
Series 3000 lure, and the Husky Musky, Series 600 Lure. Stated also are the
finishes available on both lures and the color codes for each applicable lure..
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Wiggle Fish, Series 2400. Stated also are the
finishes available on the lure and the color codes for each on the applicable
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Baby Wiggler, Series 200. Stated also are the
finishes available on the lure and the color codes for each on the applicable
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Fin tail Shiner, Series 2100, & the Midget Pikie,
Series 2200 lure. Stated also are the finishes available on both lures and the
color codes for each applicable lure.
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page Showing the Creek Chub Baby Wiggle Fish, Series 2500. Stated also are the
finishes available on the lure and the color codes for each on the applicable
1931 Creek Chub Lure Catalog
Page talking about which Creek Chub Lures to catch Southern Bass with. |