Field and Stream Gallery
In this old fishing lure gallery you will see covers for various years of Field
and Stream. I must honestly say that looking at these great old covers and
reading the magazines from
yesteryear has brought me lot of joy over the years not to mention hours of
work. I was scanning the covers and old fishing lure ads, even before this
website was created in efforts to share them with others.
Even though only a few of the covers specifically use old and antique
fishing lures for their motif, I think we as collectors in general can
appreciate these fine pieces of history. Being able to step back in time
and look, view and appreciate fine
craftsmanship of the days gone past of another kind that was directly associated
with our hobby helps get a understanding or a sense of the era. Understanding
the Era by and in which the antique fishing lures that we covet so much were
created in leads to a better understanding of the items themselves.
You can see some of the old
fishing lure ads from these great works in another gallery.
We hope you enjoy this as much as much as we have.
